Monday, July 22, 2024

Overcoming Blocks: Healing Past Trauma for Success with Tarot

Today's tarot reading by Anya focuses on people who don't have the best for us in mind. Some of us trust people too easily and too quickly, or we just want to believe the best in everyone. Nine times out of ten, we let ourselves down. We can't always blame it on another person because we probably already knew better before we did or said whatever it was.

I'm hearing a lot of that going on in the collective—not necessarily the people who watch, but in the collective of psychics, mediums, and so on. There are definitely a lot of narcissistic traits. It's never anybody's fault but someone else's. Sometimes, we have to take responsibility for our own behavior and actions and stop blaming other people.

The Seven of Wands and the Wheel of Fortune indicate you're defending your destiny here, and maybe you like being single. Growth, the Two of Cups, and marriage—many people are in that place right now because, as I said before, it's very hard to trust people based on what they say or do because sometimes it's only surface level.

Certain personality types will like and trust more easily, and that's something we need to watch out for. We have Temperance as the challenge, the Eight of Swords, and the Knight of Swords, which is a very stop-and-go energy. We have to balance that out, temper it, to move forward in a balanced way. That is the challenge here because there's so much going on in the world right now, and you don't know who to trust.

I say you give enough rope and let people show themselves. Absolutely. The Three of Pentacles and the Magician in the recent past indicate lots of manipulation going on out there, and they want you to fight each other. Mars energy, Mars-Uranus conjunction, with a ghoul on the 15th of the month—that is all-out war and demonic energy. Understand that you're not alone in this. What you're seeing as a result of people's lives being shaken up is not an illusion. You're seeing different personalities culminating together and going after each other. Five of Swords—risky business.

My suggestion is to stay in your power because the proof's in the pudding. Five of Cups and the World card as the immediate future—disappointment in the world, but there's still hope. With the Five of Cups, there's always two cups standing behind them. What could possibly go wrong? When you're dealing with powers that manipulate, everything can go wrong because they want you to believe the lie. They want you to believe that you have no friends, nobody who cares about you, and you're constantly in a battle. That's the energy because of love, because you love yourself or you should.

This is what they don't want. When you love yourself as you are and accept yourself even in your worst moments and forgive yourself, then nobody has power over you. You're able to admit your faults. That's called balance, emotional balance. Even if you apologize, some people will not accept it—that's called narcissistic behavior. When somebody just won't hear anything you have to say because they're always right.

This is the power play going on in the world, with your friends and family, and even psychics. Know-it-alls will never admit they're wrong. Somebody's making a right choice here because they're going within to seek their answers instead of trying to validate themselves externally. Virgo energy—this is someone making a good choice because they took the time to heal. They might be dealing with a past love that really disappoints them because they're not what they said they were. As I said before, all things will be revealed through the veil, and this person is finding out they made a mistake. The real challenge here is admitting you made the mistake. They were blocking their own destiny, their own Wheel of Fortune. They didn't realize it, but they do now.

Outside influence takes lots of practice to get this right. King Of Wands as the outside influence—this is someone who's all about the show, about how it looks on the surface, and they're trying to find the strength to fight that urge to look beneath the surface instead of focusing on appearances. Many people are in this energy. They think they're fighting for what's right because it looks good on the surface, but you have to dig deep and go within. If you don't, you'll pick something based on superficiality.

The more you like someone, the more you trust them. Am I wrong? The more you distance yourself from someone, the more you allow them to show you who they truly are. I feel that's what's going on here. You've distanced yourself from this person because they were in a group of people who were manipulating you on the surface for what looked right, what felt right, what they liked. They're finding out that's not what's going on here, and they're upset because you may not be trusting this person because of their past behavior.

Leo energy, Virgo, Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius, Sagittarius—this could be many people you don't trust anymore because they absolutely, positively showed you who they were by coming after you for no good reason at all. Hopes and fears here—this person fears they will have to watch you get justice while they recover from some kind of abuse. Three of Swords—it's because they let themselves be fooled by a surface persona that wasn't real. They were being manipulated, and this is the awakening for this person. For you, viewer, I feel like you've already dealt with this, balanced out your own scales because you were paying attention.


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